Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Word on the Street!

Well I haven't updated in a while, so I thought I would let you know what is going on here. Well lets see........ Oh yeah July 4th was fun Calvin, Boomer and I went on Grandma's boat out to the sand bar. Calvin had to run the boat because he had fixed a lot of things on it. Then were we anchored the boat up Calvin had to put the anchor in the ground because it was so hard and guess what happened. His wedding ring came off and he realized right after but there was no way we would be able to find it, it probably got buried while he was digging the anchor in. O well it can be replaced we will have to get the new one blessed though! So that was the bummer of 4th of July. And of course we went and saw fire works out on the boat also, that was fun!

Then my birthday came and we went on the boat and we got rained on. So for the night we went to the Cheesecake Factory and to the Improv in West Palm Beach. That was so cool we've never done that before, going to a comedy club. Now we want to go back all the time now. The neat thing is that celebrities do the stand up there. We saw the guy from the Dodge commercials "Hey you got a Hemi" he was great. After that we went to our favorite bar Charlies and watched the Rock Doctors play! They are the best band!!!

So Sunday we had to wake up at 8:30 to go look for houses! That was fun but not after parting the night before. Well we found a house that we really liked a lot and we made a offer....... and we went back and forth a little but we got what we wanted and we are buying a house!!!!!!! We are so excited, to get out of this dump and have a nice house!! Calvin is going to the inspection tomorrow morning at 8am, Grandma is going to see it also with him. So after that we have to wait for the appraisal and make sure that is good and then it is good to go after that! We are pretty confidant that everything will go well. Calvin will take the camera and I'll put a slide show up of it in a couple of days!

Well I think that that is it, I'm just waiting for everyone to come in a couple of weeks. Talk to you soon Jess:)

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Sounds like fun!! That is a bummer about Calvin's wedding ring!! You know Mike lost his in the lake while tubing (a couple years ago). I bought him a $10 ring at Walmart to replace it..hehehe. So you could always look there first. We are excited to come down. Tyler can't wait to see his Aunt Jess and Uncle Cal.
Love ya, Bri