Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Well I got suckered into being a blogger by Brianna. No it is really neat, it will be a good way for us to stay in touch with family and friends. Hopefully I can get Calvin to write a couple blogs you never know he might like it. I think that this will be good cause life gets busy and sometimes you forget to pick up the phone. So this will keep you all posted on how our life is going down here in Florida.

Well lets see..... Since we got home from our trip in Michigan it has been crazy. First we went out and bought a bedroom set with our gifts from the wedding. That was a lot of fun to do! So that meant we had to get bedding and lamps and all of the good stuff. I had fun Calvin's only input was "I don't want anything girly" so I guess I had to compromise a little. So with getting the furniture we had to rearrange the whole house! That was hard but fun.

Then we had Meagan and two of her friends come and stay with us for a week. We really enjoyed that, they were a lot of fun. We made sure that they always had something to do, because when you visit Florida you don't want to be inside!

Ok well I have to get going I have a long day tomorrow. I will write some more tomorrow night and get some pictures of the bedroom set and Boomer with his new outfit we got for him!
Hope you enjoy, I know I will.



Brianna said...

You got Boomer an outfit?? Can't wait to see that.
Glad I suckered you into being a blogger. It will be fun!
I had fun talking to you on the webcam tonight. We will have to do it again soon...when Tyler is up.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Ok well now i'm here...and you'll have to teach me the ropes...I have no clue how to add teammembers to my blog...I need help...also I want to learn how to add links to myspace and stuff like that...let me know...I asked bri, but no comment back from her yet...:) Oh and I got a cell phone now so i'll have figure out how to work that and figure out what my number is so I can give that to ya...ha...I don't have many minuets on it it's more of a emergancy phone right now for case I run into you know who...:(
Talk to you soon.